Monday 30 January 2012

NCT Antenatal Courses - making friends for life?

I was speaking to a mum this week who had just been to the 18th birthday party of the eldest child born to her NCT antenatal group. The families have kept in touch for all this time, although they are now spread right across the UK, having met in London where they all worked 18 years ago and found themselves pregnant and needing information and support.

As an antenatal teacher, I love hearing that the groups I have taught go on to meet up after their babies have been born. Those early days can be quite a challenge and it's useful to have a friendly voice at the end at the phone who can reassure you that they are going through exactly the same thing, because their baby is almost exactly the same age as yours.

Sometimes groups go further than meeting for coffee - camping trips en masse, or weekends at Center Parcs, where the dads can all look after the babies whilst the mums go to the spa, or the mums babysit whilst the dads go off for a while.

Of course not all groups gel perfectly and whether you continue to meet up as a class group or not, you're welcome to come along to our Bumps and Babies in Beeston, Long Eaton, Hucknall and our soon-to-be-launched Stapleford Young Mums' group. That's how I made friends when I moved to Nottingham in 1998 with my 18 month old daughter - and I'm still in touch with several of the families I met there all those years ago, although we now tend to meet without the children who have very much developed busy teenage lives of their own.

To find out more about NCT courses and what's available use the NCT course finder. We look forward to meeting you.

NCT Antenatal Teacher and Branch Co-Chair
[Course Finder]

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