Wednesday 10 February 2010

Maternity and Newborn Service Review

There are only a couple of weeks left for you to have your say on Maternity Services in the Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire area.

Responses to this review will determine the maternity care that you - and other parents - receive in this area and may alter the treatment of your newborn baby.

It's essential that as many people as possible who have recently had babies answer their questions.

If something is not seen to be important, it may disappear.

So if you would have liked:

- to have seen the same midwife throughout your pregnancy
- to feel you had more choice on where your baby was born
- more time to decide where your baby was born
- a tour around the place where you'd planned for your baby to be born
- a home birth
- better surroundings in the hospital/different facilities in your room
- easier access to antenatal appointments
- more antenatal preparation for labour, birth and parenting

and a whole lot more...

please visit the Maternity and Newborn Review website and answer their questionnaire.

; [original article]

1 comment:

  1. If the questionnaire doesn't give you the right opportunity to make your opinion known, then email them on
