Sunday, 31 January 2010

Looking for a last minute antenatal class?

There are a couple of spaces on each of the following courses:

-4 and 5 February, 9.30am-3.30pm £91.20

Long Eaton - 6 Feb, & 20 Feb 10am-4pm, with women only session on 11 Feb (morning) and evening session 23 Feb £150.80

Calverton (refresher) - 12 Feb 9.30am - 3.30pm £60.80

Discounts are available of up to 90%

For more information email Claire Thorpe or call her on 0844 2436875

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Monday, 25 January 2010

Postnatal exercise at Long Eaton B&B this Thursday

Vanessa from Pushy Mothers is coming along this Thursday, 28 January 2010 to talk to mums about postnatal exercise which can be done with your baby in tow.

Vanessa has to leave at about 11.15 to get elsewhere to teach a class so the demo will take place slightly earlier than usual, at about 10.30am

See you there!


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100 facebook fans!

We've now got over 100 fans on our Facebook page!

If you haven't already joined, head on over and become a fan. It's an easy way to keep up-to-date with what's going on in the Nottingham branch of NCT.

On our page you can

- See what's coming up in our Bumps and Babies Groups, and photos of previous events

- Spot familiar faces amongst our fans

- Find out about last minute availability on our antenatal courses

- Learn more about our Nearly New Sales

Nottingham NCT on Facebook

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Friday, 22 January 2010

Our youngest ever attendee at Long Eaton Bumps and Babies

At just three days old, baby Theo became the youngest ever attendee at Bumps and Babies in Long Eaton. Many congratulations to parents Laura and Rob!; [original article]

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Nearly New Sales - Next Sale 20 March 2010

How popular are our Nearly New Sales? Let's just say one reason we moved the venue was traffic problems. There are rumours of fights over toys but that's because our quality control ensures that only the best items are put out on display.

Our next sale is in Long Eaton on Saturday, 20 March 2010 and you're already one step ahead of a lot of people by knowing that. But how can you maximise your chances of bagging the best bargains?

The Facebook event for this Nearly New Sale is here.

- Email "reminder" to our specific buyers' email address We'll send you a reminder about the sale. If for any unforeseen reason we have to change the sale venue or date, we'll let you know too.

- Become an NCT member. We'll let you in 15 minutes before everyone else.

- Volunteer to help - you'll be invited to the preview sale (that's about 20 mins before the members come in) as long as you help for a minimum of two hours. Shifts are available on the day of the sale but there are lots of pre-sale jobs too.

- It's still possible to get good quality stuff if you come along late but your choice will be limited.

If you want to sell your unwanted stuff, you'll need to register. YOU NEED TO REGISTER. NOW. Email: or call 0700 5800 628. We send out information about six weeks before the sale. ABOUT SIX WEEKS BEFORE. Exactly how long before depends on the life of the volunteer who has to email all these people and pop stuff in the post. If you register now you will be included in that mailing but you'll need to get your forms back quickly.

Spaces for sellers are strictly limited and go very quickly.

The sale is run and staffed entirely by volunteers (so please don't get shirty with them if you don't get exactly what you want; they have given up precious family time to enable this sale to go ahead).

We take commission (it was 25% at the last sale) as our 'reward' for running this sale. The commission helps fund NCT projects both nationally and locally. Remember this when pricing your goods (all this will be explained in the info pack you receive.; [original article]

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Beeston Bumps and Babies gets off to great start in 2010

A record number of 14 mums and 15 babies came along to last Friday's NCT Bumps and Babies at Denz in Beeston.

We now have a collection of baby toys and some throws for the babies to have a roll around on. All these were made good use of immediately by our eager gang!!

You don't need to be an NCT member, nor to have attended NCT antenatal classes to join Bumps and Babies and it's a great way to meet others with similar-aged children.

Come and join us every Friday (term-time) between 1pm and 3pm.

NCT Antenatal Teacher and Bumps and Babies Host, Beeston

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Sunday, 17 January 2010

Support the NCT with the UK's favourite Child Trust Fund provider

NCT is proud to have teamed up with the UK’s favourite Child Trust Fund (CTF) provider, Family Investments, to provide CTFs to our members and supporters. For each CTF sold Family Investments will pay a commission payment to the NCT.

Together we hope that new parents all over the UK will consider this Child Trust Fund to support their child in the future while also supporting the NCT.; [original article]

Friday, 15 January 2010

Long Eaton Bumps and Babies - forthcoming events

Jan 21 - Tomono from Cocoro - our Japanese event with food, clothing, etc. And a great opportunity for your baby to feature in photos!

Feb 4 (provisional) - Virgin Vie. Many of our activities focus on your baby; here's one that Just for You. 5-minute mummy makeovers. Some tips on how to get a "going back to work" look, or an "I'm feeling fat and frumpy, make me gorgeous again" look. Anyone up for Before and After shots?

Feb 18 - Jo Jingles with Gaynor. A chance to try these ever-popular music, singing and movement sessions.

More details of how to find us are available by following the links in the title or at the end of this post.

See you soon,


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Monday, 11 January 2010

Antenatal courses in the Nottingham area

We're experiencing our usual January surge in demand for antenatal courses. Is it because everyone goes home and breaks the news to family at Christmas (I broke the news to my family when we went home for Easter) and then books their NCT antenatal course?

Claire, our local administrator, is doing all she can to get information out to you on the courses we have available. If you go straight through to her voicemail don't worry - she is on to it and as long as you leave your name and number clearly she can get back to you.

If you can't find a course that suits you using the NCT's course finder, please get in touch with Claire as she not only has all the information at her fingertips but she's able to gauge demand according to the enquiries she receives and can ask local antenatal teachers to lay on extra courses.

We regularly run classes in Beeston, Calverton, Cotgrave and Long Eaton with less frequent classes in Bramcote and Hucknall.

Courses run in a variety of formats - weekday evenings, weekday daytime, Saturday mornings or afternoons, consecutive Saturdays or Sundays - so there's almost certainly going to be something that suits you.

Most people coming along to courses are expecting their first baby - or first baby with a new partner - but we also run refresher courses.

For more information about courses click on the title or contact Claire by phone on 0844 2436875 or by email

We look forward to meeting you on our courses

Annabelle, Beth, Clare, Elaine, Philippa, Sam and Sue

Nottingham NCT Antenatal Teachers and Student Teachers

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Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Next branch meeting for anyone who is interested in finding out more about how NCT Nottingham works

The next team meeting for Nottingham NCT is being held in West Bridgford on Thursday 14 January from 8pm to 10pm. Babies are very welcome!

There's a lot up for discussion

Long Eaton NNS
What we want to do this year and
Finance - how we're going to raise money to do it! How are finances at the moment?
NCT "Big Weekend" in Telford
New newsletter
Possible events e.g.
- Pamper Evening
- Cheeky Monkeys Tea Party

If you are interested in helping with any of these, or just finding out more about the NCT and how it runs, please email us and we'll let you know the address and make sure someone is there to buddy up with you (and we'll be able to let you know it's off too, if this snow keeps on falling like this!)

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Sunday, 3 January 2010

A message from Belinda Phipps, CEO of NCT

A look back ....

As 2009 draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped in any way to make a difference for parents this year.

The NCT is nothing without its volunteers and branches.

Our 103,000 members and volunteers, between 10,000 and 16,000 (we think), are the people that do the work of the NCT. It is you that are in touch with about 350,000 parents a year. You put on countless Bumps and Babies events, Nearly New Sales, coffees, events for dads, send millions of newsletters each year and run websites and facebooks and twitter and all sorts right across the UK. Between you give hundreds and thousands of people the chance to meet and get to know each other, make friends and feel part of the community of people that are doing the work of raising the next generation.

Someone said to me that this doesn't seem a big or important thing to do but when you know that the biggest cause of death in mothers with a child under a year old is suicide and the postnatal depression rate in women is over 20% (we don't know the level in men because it's not measured) and one third - yes one third - of all women recall their birth as traumatic (citing lack of support and medical interventions as the reason) and the relationship breakdown for couples is highest in the year after birth and .... so you can see what we do is vital and can be life saving - in the physical or mental health sense - so it is important, really important. It is clear that stressed and depressed parents find it much harder to be the sort of parents they wanted to be.

You also work with the public sector providing volunteer support along side them and you have a NCT reps representing parents on MSLCs and other bodies across the UK, working to make the policies we have successfully had the governments and assemblies put in place (we will get there in N Ireland and the islands too soon) real with action by the service provides, not always a popular role with the health service and others, but vital.

As well as this you raise millions, yes millions, of pounds between your membership fees and the fundraising you do. Some of this money you spend locally to make a difference but the majority you pass on to the UK office and we use much of it to train new breastfeeding counsellors and antenatal teachers and postnatal leaders. We have nearly 1000 qualified workers and we will be training 1200 students to diploma level by the spring. They are in contact with about 120,000 parents through courses and class and the individual breastfeeding support given as volunteers by the breastfeeding counsellors and on the 3 phone lines which your fundraising pays for.

By paying the salaries of the staff team you also enable us to get our messages across in the media, to lobby and campaign in each of the countries to influence what research is done. The healthcare commission survey done a while ago was lobbied for by us, led by an NCT member who was employed to do it and written in close consultation. It can now be seen in user friendly format on Birthchoice UK which is a site developed and run by an NCT antenatal teacher.

You pay for the NCT website and the work of writing and editing the information that's up there

You pay for Perspective, a publication that goes to 12,000 midwives to encourage them to support parents in the way they want in line with evidence.

You pay for Bumps and Babies, a free magazine for parents and for Stepping Stones a free e mail stage by stage resource, so parents don't have to rely on commercially produced information which may well have the sales motive behind it rather than the good of parents.

Some of you also volunteer directly for the UK office, giving us expertise, or writing or being case studies for the media - taking photos and all sorts so to these volunteers thank you.

And most of you do all this knowing you will not benefit yourselves because you have had your babies, you do this for the next generation of mothers, fathers and babies, and NCT members in the past did it for you.

So thank you. Thank your on behalf of all those parents who never became NCT members, who never knew it was you that did the thing that made the difference for them. We know, so thank you.

Belinda NCT CEO
07976 272 305

(if you want to ask/say anything that your branch coordinator or regional coordinator can't answer then e mail enquires@nct. or to find out more come to the Big Weekend )
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Long Eaton Bumps and Babies - upcoming events

Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2010, however you say it (two thousand and ten or twenty ten?). I hope the first Christmas with your new babies was fantastic (yes, I've seen some of your photos on facebook and they were gorgeous) and that the various pieces of pottery made during our session were well received.

7 January
- first session of 2010

14 January - Hayley from Sole Nutrition is coming along to talk about how reflexology could help your baby. Some of you may have reflexology during pregnancy and/or labour and found it helpful; here's the chance to find out more about using it with children.

21 January
- Tomono from Cocoro is bringing along baby kimonos, Japanese food and toys. Some of you may already have heard of Tomono through Helen and Meredith, as Meredith has done some modelling for Tomono's website.

In February
- we are hoping to have a postnatal fitness demonstration

In March/April
- we've invited a local baby music group to come along

If there's anyone you'd like to come along and demonstrate to the group so you can find out more about them and their activities, please let me know.

And don't forget our new "Hot Topic" piece where we try to help those with younger babies learn from the experience of those with older babies. I'll be asking for your suggestions on Thursday.

Best wishes,

Sue.; [original article]